




OSC Websocket


Listenting to - localhost:8000

Sending to - localhost:7600

black   = vec3(0.0);
white   = vec3(1.0);
red     = vec3(0.86,0.22,0.27);
orange  = vec3(0.92,0.49,0.07);
yellow  = vec3(0.91,0.89,0.26);
green   = vec3(0.0,0.71,0.31);
blue    = vec3(0.05,0.35,0.65);
purple  = vec3(0.38,0.09,0.64);
pink    = vec3(.9,0.758,0.798);
lime    = vec3(0.361,0.969,0.282);
teal    = vec3(0.396,0.878,0.878);
resolution      = vec2(canvas width, canvas height); // value in pixels, 
                                                     // divided by pixel 
                                                     // size
time            = float;     // system time

mouse           = vec4(mouse X, mouse Y, mouse click X, mouse click Y);
date            = vec4(); 

bands           = vec4(low, mid-low, mid-high, high) // FFT results
backbuffer      = texture2D; // previous render frame
PI              = 3.14159;
PI2             = 6.28318;
uv()            = vec2(x, y); // This pixel on screen when 
                              // coordinate system is: width
                              //  -width/height to width/height, height -1.0 to 1.0;
                              // center of canvas is origin
uvN()             = vec2(x, y); // this pixel on screen when 
                              // coordinate system is: width 
                              // 0.0 to 1.0, height 0.0 to 1.0; 
                              // bottom-left of canvas is origin
noise( vec2 )   = float       // noise 0.0 to 1.0             
snoise( vec2 )  = float       // signed noise -1.0 to 0.0
                              // returns random values -1.0 to 1.0
rand( float )   = float       // returns random values 0.0 to 1.0
rand( vec2 )    = vec2(0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 to 1.0);
fractal( vec2 ) = float       // return random values 0.0 to 1.0
turbulence( vec2,
            float octaves ) = float    //returns random values 0.0 to 1.0
voronoi( vec2 ) = float       // returns 0.0 to 1.0 with a smooth 
                              // voronoi pattern
hsv2rgb( vec3 ) = vec3        // convert hue, saturation, value to 
                              // red, green, blue
rotate(vec2 pivot, 
       vec2(x, y), 
       float amount)

box(vec2(x, y), 
    vec2(width, height), 
    float corner-roundness,
    float edge-feathering);

circle(float x,
       float y, 
       float radius, 
       float edge-feathering) 
// list of common gles math functions
radians(x)      // degrees to radians
degrees(x)      // radians to degrees
sin(x)          // sine of angle
cos(x)          // cosine of angle
tan(x)          // tangent of angle
asin(x)         // arc sine of angle
acos(x)         // arc cosine of angle
atan(y, x)      // arc tangent of (y, x)
atan(y_over_x)  // arc tangent of y/x
mamatrixCompMult(max, may) // multiply x by y component-wise
pow(x, y)       // x to y exponent; x^y
exp(x)          // ex
log(x)          // natural log
exp2(x)         // 2x
log2(x)         // log base 2
sqrt(x)         // square root; x^(1/2)
inversesqrt(x)  // inverse square root; 1/(x^(1/2))
abs(x)          // absolute value
sign(x)         // returns -1.0, 0.0, or 1.0
floor(x)        // nearest integer less than x
ceil(x)         // nearest integer greater than x
fract(x)        // x - floor(x)
mod(x, y)       // modulus
min(x, y)       // minimum value
max(x, y)       // maximum value
clamp(x,        // keep x between minVal and maxVal
mix(x, y, a)    // linear blend of x and y using a. (lerp)
step(edge, x)   // 0.0 if x less than edge, else 1.0
smoothstep(edge0, // clip and smooth
gl_FragCoord = vec4(x, y, z, w) // fragment position within 
                                // frame buffer window coordinates

gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, b, a) // fragment color

texture2D(tex, vec2) = vec4(r, g, b, a) // tex is a texture: channel0 ...
                                        // channel3 or backbuffer
forf    = for(float i = 0.0; i < float; i++){
fori    = for(int i = 0; i < int; i++){
iff     = if(false){
vc     = vec2
vvc    = vec3
ft     = float
// Created by: Shawn Lawson,

// Github Respository: